About Us

Ibankordor Jungle Resort

One of the most picturesque states in Northeast India is Meghalaya, which genuinely is a location where you can feel the mountains. With its stunning waterfalls, clear pools, exotic woods, and caverns, Meghalaya, sometimes known as the "Scotland of the East", ," is a great joy for nature enthusiasts. One of the best travel experiences one can have is discovering Meghalaya. These adventures are also incredibly difficult and one-of-a-kind. Meghalaya offers a considerable deal of undeveloped and undiscovered tourist resources.

Ibankordor Jungle Resort began as a charming family-run guesthouse in the heart of Sohra Cherrapunji's unspoiled scenic scenery. The Resort lies in Mawlutuin, Laitkynsew hamlet, about 62 kilometers from Shillong, and is encircled by 20 acres of lovely secluded jungle, which makes it an ideal location.

Accommodations Area

The facility was constructed in 2017 and opened on March 31, 2018, in the involvement of family, friends, and the laitkynsew executive dorbar, by Smt. R M Kurbah, Head of the Boarder Area Development, Government of Meghalaya. Mr. Khlainbor War constructed and owns it.

A hotel in the area

The resort, which is rather remote and away from Cherrapunjee's main town, is an unanticipated gem in the forest. Our resort services are just as enticing, pleasurable, and delicious as the vacation spot. We provide our clients with simple access to amenities, a nice environment, and a kind welcome.

What we deliver

Parking Is Free
Bangladesh Perspective in private
Children's Park

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93667 04637